Toothbrush Taboos: Proper Care of Your Dental Device

When a toothbrush is neglect edit can accumulate bacteria that might actually make you sick. It’s important to properly care for your brush, ensuring both good dental hygiene and protecting your health.

How to Keep Your Toothbrush Free from Bacteria

Changing your toothbrush every four months is the best way to prevent a buildup of bacteria and other organisms that use your toothbrush for growth. Replace any toothbrush that has lost, worn or frayed bristles. The toothbrush is no longer effective to properly clean your teeth. Here are some ways to keep your brush clean:

  • Rinse your toothbrush in scalding hot water when you have finished brushing.
  • Try to shake off excess water from your toothbrush before storing it.
  • Check your brush for the remains of toothpaste and other particles caught in the bristles, and try to shake them off.
  • Place your toothbrush in an open receptacle where it can air dry.
  • If you are going to share a receptacle make sure the toothbrushes are not touching the bristles of other brushes. 
  • Keep your toothbrush away from the toilet or move your oral hygiene items out of the bathroom to prevent the minuscule particles of waste in the air from landing on your brush when you flush.
  • Smell your toothbrush for foul odors. If an odor is a present, throw it away and purchase a new brush.

Bacteria can Impact Your Health

Sharing a toothbrush is a “no-no.” Despite your love for a friend or family member, if they use your brush the bacteria transferred to it will find a new home in your mouth. If anyone uses your toothbrush throw it away and buy a new one.
Bacteria can make itself at home and multiply in the warm, dark places of your mouth and between your teeth, and infect your gums. Desperation to brush your teeth after a great night out on the town is not a good reason to use someone else’s toothbrush. Instead, use mouthwash to rinse and refresh your mouth and kill the bacteria. Keep in mind:

  • Bacteria may have grown on the toothbrush you are going to use.
  • *You can transfer harmful bacteria from another person into your system.
  • If your immune system is compromised by medical treatments such as chemotherapy or medicines administered orally, you are readily susceptible to illness from the transfer of bacteria.

If you have a cold or flu, reduce the possibility of reinfecting yourself. Buy a new toothbrush. It’s always better to take preventive steps rather than be sorry later. Your dentist will regularly examine your teeth and gums and help you keep them healthy,but home care is still the most important thing you can do for your health.

At Ohana Dental Clinic you can relax amidst our bright décor and upbeat atmosphere. Please call us at 905-697-3440 so we can develop a dental care regime that fits you or your family’s active lifestyle.